Written with love, loyalty and laughter.
from Love is Cruel
You left several strands
of hair
scattered across my
you left your yellow
on the top shelf
of my bathroom cabinet
you left your white lacy
in the pocket of my
you left your pink lipgloss
with the glitter
on my dressing table
you left my alarm clock
set at 6:45 a.m.
you left your new novel
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
we both left so much
but most of all
you left your scent
buried deep inside my
& even though it's been
six nights now & i've changed
the bed linen
rearranged the bathroom
cabinet & the dressing table -
placed your book in my bookcase
thrown out your G-string
your lipgloss
& your yellow toothbrush
your scent is making my eyes
& still i can't escape you.
from Punch On Punch Off
Lots of shop girls work for small
family businesses she told me
with some of them you get paid
ten dollars an hour & asked to stay
on the dole
while they drive flash cars
& their shop girls ride bikes
yeah it’s hard being a shop girl
especially when you know they’re out
drinking their lattés
& slagging on so-called dole bludgers
you’d have to wonder just what else
they might get away with
i mean it’s hard enough holding back
a pee for three or four hours . . .
let alone your tongue at times
& i mean sometimes you just hope
one of your mates will turn up
to watch the shop while you do go
it’s hard on your bladder
yeah it’s hard being a shop girl
& when one of your mates does
turn up you can bet your sore feet
your boss will turn up too —
& spring you yacking to them
as if you do it all day . . .
every day
& yeah you can tell by their
eyes & their thin mean lips
that they think you’re both bludgers
i’ve had to be sick in a plastic bag
behind the register a couple of times
because i’ve had no-one to cover for me
& i’ve cried out the back some days
when i’ve been a day or two late
with my period
& then i’ve had to go out & serve
& sometimes i’m sure my tears
have scared customers away
& the boss sure as hell wouldn’t
want to know about that
yeah it’s hard being a shop girl
& it’s hard getting a lunch break too
in fact sometimes it’s hard even
getting some lunch
unless you take it with you —
& most times you’re living so day-to-day
you have nothing to take to work
except yourself
it’s even harder those times when
the till doesn’t balance
they make you put in
(as if you don’t anyway)
& some days i’ve worked for half
my real rate because i didn’t check
the balance when i started
& yet they tell me i have the luxury
of work.
from Punch On Punch Off
I work in a factory
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i work a rotating roster
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i wear earmuffs & gloves
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i stamp on a press
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i still had my fingers last
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i make repetitive pieces
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i work on a tally
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i'm told to work faster
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i have smoko with Billy
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i play euchre at lunchtime
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i just do my best
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i'm paid the award for
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
i don't complain to the boss
Monday to Friday
punch on punch off
but complain to my partner
Monday to Sunday
want to punch on
punch on.
from Poems for a Dead Father
I remember my feet
on the cold kitchen lino
that morning
teenager with
bumfluff & pimples
i was leaning over
the kitchen table
most of its red & white
marbled laminex top
covered in the morning
as i stood above it all
i read there was a war
in the jungles of Vietnam
& they were sending Aussies
Vietnam I thought
Vietnam . . .
where the hell is Vietnam
& i found The Jacaranda Atlas
from school
Vietnam i kept thinking -
it must be next to Queensland
but it wasn't
it took a while but i did
find it
it was on page 75 -
& it was miles away
as i stared at the map
i thought about the madness
the old man lived with
& how he served
in the Middle East
& i thought about the madness
uncle Bronte lived with
& how he served
in New Guinea
& i thought about the madness
cousin Neville lived with
& how he served
in Korea
Vietnam i thought
Vietnam . . .
& i knew then
knew then i was going -
from Punch On Punch Off
In the 1950s
when the doors crept
migrants & refugees
were often referred to
as new Australians
later in the 60s
old Australians —
were finally included
in the census
& in the early 70s
the White Australia Policy
was officially dismantled
this was post-war Australia
long before post-modernism
& imported Italian woollen suits
(no value adding here)
when the Snowy Mountains
Scheme employed bogs wogs
& dagoes
just like the whitegoods
& the car
& the manufacturing
& the building
& most other
hands & feet industries
(’til tariffs took their toll)
these new Australians —
they got a go
as well as some of the
older ones
though blacks were still
discriminated against
& roo meat remained
& bush tucker reserved
for missions
yes this was even before
the humble Lebanese cucumber
could call Australia home
now in this new millennium
my landlord is Greek
my dentist Korean
my coffee shop Italian
my fruit & veg Cambodian
my supermarket Vietnamese
my smallgoods maker German
my computer man Sri Lankan
my legal advisor Greek
my neighbours Swedish
Croatian Prussian & English
my nephew & niece
my grand-daughter Anglo-Indian —
& my phone book half-full
of names i can barely pronounce
it’s 2001 when the Tampa sails
into history
& a nation full of wogs
& bogs & dagoes & boat people
of all persuasions
are scared by a container
full of wogs
& political parties
of the so-called left & right —
turn in circles
in concentric circles —
their greed & their power
sucking at the vortex.
I kleva voomun-
speek five langvij
mi naem Suheyla
from Baghdad
but Baghdad
no moor
Saddam kill mi
if i return hang mi
but i luv heer
i goot hellth
kleva voomun
goot mind-
i run from Iraq
in March 1991
i got 3 chouldren
2 gerl 1 boy
i don’t vunt mi sun
die for nutheeng
in Amerika voor
i tell him sun-
to run
i run with him
everiday i cri
i’m friitink
i run with doorturs
got no husbund-
that bich man
i don’t wun to si
no moor
he live Amerika-
i sine for deevoors
long time ago
i got nutheeng now
mi doorturs maree
sun maree
thay lif Germany
but i lif heer-
wen i run with chouldren
nobodee gif mi wun bred
kristchun peepul
ar good
how thay saa
Grate Britisch
i saa
Grate Orrstralia
i am singool
i am aloan
i am okay.